pure — [ pjur ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a ) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Pure Heart — is a term used by the Catholic Church and some other Christians to name a condition near to Salvation. The Roman Catholic Church promotes its members to seek it and codified the required knowledge and practices within the Liturgy of the Eucharist … Wikipedia
Light Yagami — Death Note character Light Yagami or Kira as he appears in the manga (Chapter 1 : Boredom) First appearance Death Note … Wikipedia
Pure and Easy — Chanson par The Who extrait de l’album la compilation Odds and Sods Pays Angleterre Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Pure Mule — was a mini series shown on RTE television, shot in 2005 2006 in Offaly.CastFeatured: Tom Murphy, Garret Lombard, Luke Griffen, Gary Lydon, Eileen Walsh, Simone Kirby, Joanne Crawford, Dawn Bradfield and Charlene McKenna.ProductionWritten by:… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Amitābha Buddha and his attendant bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara (right) and Mahāsthāmaprāpta (left) … Wikipedia
pure */*/*/ — UK [pjʊə(r)] / US [pjʊr] adjective Word forms pure : adjective pure comparative purer superlative purest 1) a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect pure gold/alcohol 2) [only before noun] used … English dictionary
Pure Dead series — The Strega Borgia Chronicles by Scottish writer Debi Gliori, follows the Strega Borgia family, a quirky, bizarre, Italian family, Signor and Signora Strega Borgia (Luciano and Baci.) and their four children, Titus, Pandora, Damp and Nieve, who… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Devotional cult of the buddha Amitabha. It is one of the most popular forms of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia today. Pure Land schools believe that rebirth in the Western Paradise (the Pure Land) is given to all those who invoke Amitabha s name… … Universalium
pure — [[t]pjʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ purer, purest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A pure substance is not mixed with anything else. …a carton of pure orange juice. 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is pure is clean and does not contain any harmful substances. In remote… … English dictionary
Pure (No Angels album) — Infobox Album | Name = Pure Type = Album Artist = No Angels Released = August 25, 2003 Recorded = 2003 Genre = Pop Length = 71:55 87:23 (Limited edition) Label = Cheyenne/Polydor Producer = Thorsten Brötzmann, Lucy Diakovska, Nik Hafemann, T.… … Wikipedia
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Absent their worst instincts, their pride, their greed, their suspicion, in the light of pure reason, who says no to this?
Забыв о своих дурных порывах, их гордости, жадности, подозрений, в свете чистого разума, кто от этого откажется?Предложить пример
In Paradise, son, with all the souls of pure light.
Note in the illustration the column of pure light that runs straight down through the center of the body.
She made way for a brighter spirit, a light so pure that it outshines even hers.
Она освободила путь для более яркого духа, свет которого столь чист, что затмевает её собственный.Pure light that won’t alter the visual integrity of the evidence.
Last time, we managed to capture him by overloading his system with pure light.
В прошлый раз мы поймали его, перезагрузив его систему чистым светом.Pure light, fire and water.
and only then there is some space for pure light…
It therefore includes adequate living space, safe and decent structure, clean and decent surroundings, sufficient light, pure air and water, electricity, sanitation and other civic amenities like roads, etc.
Поэтому это понятие включает в себя надлежащее жилое пространство, имеющее безопасную и надлежащую структуру, чистое и удобное для жизни окружающее пространство, достаточное освещение, чистые воздух и воду, электричество, санитарно-гигиеническое и другие удобства, включая дороги и т.д. .I realised all that in the night, in a great flood of light so pure,
Я всё это представила себе ночью, в удивительном потоке света, настолько чистом,Dr. Steven Meyer, our founder, our interpreter, and our guardian has decided that the time has come for him to transcend his earthly form and become pure Light.
Доктор Стивен Майер, наш основатель, наш толкователь и наш наставник решил, что настало время ему избавиться от земной оболочки и стать чистым Светом.There was all this light around her and the light seemed to be made up of pure joy.
Evening GP surgeries can be considered in the light of this critical care chain.
ВUN-Women will continue to make refinements in the light of experience.
Grimlock was the light of my life…
Гримлок был лучом света в моей жизни… буквально.In the light of recent events, that assistance will continue unabated.
В свете недавних событий эта помощь будет продолжена в полном объеме. Турция готова также участвовать в усилиях, направленных на облегчение страданий ливанского народа.It conciliates intellect and feeling under the light of spirituality.
Ход работы С докладами выступили Бэзил Сазерленд, Соломон Фифита, Анаре Макативити, К. Рагаван и Альберт Бингер.
A pure soul to remind me of my place in Heaven, to remind me of the light of my father.
Чистая душа, чтобы напоминать мне о моем месте на небе, чтобы напоминать мне о свете моего отца.For as it was written, he of pure darkness shall come into light.
It was a creation of pure light, vaguely reminiscent of an unfolding flower. | Оно было сотворено просто из света и отдаленно напоминало распускающийся цветок. |
A very white and very pure light brought out vividly to the eye all the outlines that its thousands of houses present to the east. | В этом чистом, бледном свете резко выступали обращенные к востоку стены домов. |
Dr. Steven Meyer, our founder, our interpreter, and our guardian has decided that the time has come for him to transcend his earthly form and become pure Light. | Доктор Стивен Майер, наш основатель, наш толкователь и наш наставник решил, что настало время ему избавиться от земной оболочки и стать чистым Светом. |
On the lofty heights, the pure light of mind could be seen flickering. | На безоблачных вершинах затрепетал чистый свет разума. |
Last time, we managed to capture him by overloading his system with pure light. | В прошлый раз мы поймали его, перезагрузив его систему чистым светом. |
Другие результаты | |
In the gap between the parted curtains there was a new light shining; not the dim gray twilight of Nature, but a pure and starry radiance, a pale, unearthly light. | Между раздвинувшимися занавесами засиял новый свет — не тусклые, серые сумерки позднего вечера, а чистая и звездная лучезарность, бледный неземной свет. |
His mother’s head in the new electric light was spun gold, the pure profile as she looked down the long table at Paddy unspeakably beautiful. | Мать смотрела через весь длинный стол на Пэдди, при свете недавно проведенного электричества ее волосы были точно золотая пряжа, правильный профиль такой красоты — не сказать словами. |
Yes, up there somewhere, between the winking points of light so pure and unearthly; what was it about the night sky? | Что же таится в ночном небе, что там, среди мерцающих огоньков, в этой чистейшей, недоступной выси? |
She wore a light muslin dress; her hair, smoothly brushed back behind her ears, imparted a girlish expression to her pure, fresh face. | На ней было легкое барежевое платье; гладко зачесанные за уши волосы придавали девическое выражение ее чистому и свежему лицу. |
She made way for a brighter spirit, a light so pure that it outshines even hers. | Она освободила путь для более яркого духа, свет которого столь чист, что затмевает её собственный. |
For a fleeting instant, a new heavenly body had been born… a speck of light as pure and white as anyone had ever seen. | Затем на какую-то долю секунды появилось новое небесное тело… Такого белого и чистого света людям Земли видеть еще не доводилось. |
There was all this light around her and the light seemed to be made up of pure joy. | Вокруг нее были все эти огни…. … и казалось что свет сделан из… чистой радости. |
The light was blinding and pure. | Свет был ослепительно ярким и каким-то бесконечно чистым. |
That day the air was so pure and light that Quasimodo felt some returning affection for his bells. | И воздух был так чист тогда и прозрачен, что в сердце Квазимодо ожила былая любовь к колоколам. |
It was all open before him; the air was pure and transparent; the dense clusters of stars in the Milky Way, crossing the sky like a belt, were flooded with light. | Оно все было открыто пред ним; чисто и прозрачно было в воздухе. Гущина звезд, составлявшая Млечный Путь, поясом переходившая по небу, вся была залита светом. |
Over time, Silas learned to see himself in a new light. I am pure. White. Beautiful. Like an angel. | Со временем Сайлас научился смотреть на себя совсем в новом свете. Я чист. Я бел. Я прекрасен. Совсем как ангел. |
pure — [ pjur ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a ) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Pure Heart — is a term used by the Catholic Church and some other Christians to name a condition near to Salvation. The Roman Catholic Church promotes its members to seek it and codified the required knowledge and practices within the Liturgy of the Eucharist … Wikipedia
Light Yagami — Death Note character Light Yagami or Kira as he appears in the manga (Chapter 1 : Boredom) First appearance Death Note … Wikipedia
Pure and Easy — Chanson par The Who extrait de l’album la compilation Odds and Sods Pays Angleterre Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Pure Mule — was a mini series shown on RTE television, shot in 2005 2006 in Offaly.CastFeatured: Tom Murphy, Garret Lombard, Luke Griffen, Gary Lydon, Eileen Walsh, Simone Kirby, Joanne Crawford, Dawn Bradfield and Charlene McKenna.ProductionWritten by:… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Amitābha Buddha and his attendant bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara (right) and Mahāsthāmaprāpta (left) … Wikipedia
pure */*/*/ — UK [pjʊə(r)] / US [pjʊr] adjective Word forms pure : adjective pure comparative purer superlative purest 1) a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect pure gold/alcohol 2) [only before noun] used … English dictionary
Pure Dead series — The Strega Borgia Chronicles by Scottish writer Debi Gliori, follows the Strega Borgia family, a quirky, bizarre, Italian family, Signor and Signora Strega Borgia (Luciano and Baci.) and their four children, Titus, Pandora, Damp and Nieve, who… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Devotional cult of the buddha Amitabha. It is one of the most popular forms of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia today. Pure Land schools believe that rebirth in the Western Paradise (the Pure Land) is given to all those who invoke Amitabha s name… … Universalium
pure — [[t]pjʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ purer, purest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A pure substance is not mixed with anything else. …a carton of pure orange juice. 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is pure is clean and does not contain any harmful substances. In remote… … English dictionary
Pure (No Angels album) — Infobox Album | Name = Pure Type = Album Artist = No Angels Released = August 25, 2003 Recorded = 2003 Genre = Pop Length = 71:55 87:23 (Limited edition) Label = Cheyenne/Polydor Producer = Thorsten Brötzmann, Lucy Diakovska, Nik Hafemann, T.… … Wikipedia
pure — [ pjur ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a ) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Pure Heart — is a term used by the Catholic Church and some other Christians to name a condition near to Salvation. The Roman Catholic Church promotes its members to seek it and codified the required knowledge and practices within the Liturgy of the Eucharist … Wikipedia
Light Yagami — Death Note character Light Yagami or Kira as he appears in the manga (Chapter 1 : Boredom) First appearance Death Note … Wikipedia
Pure and Easy — Chanson par The Who extrait de l’album la compilation Odds and Sods Pays Angleterre Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Pure Mule — was a mini series shown on RTE television, shot in 2005 2006 in Offaly.CastFeatured: Tom Murphy, Garret Lombard, Luke Griffen, Gary Lydon, Eileen Walsh, Simone Kirby, Joanne Crawford, Dawn Bradfield and Charlene McKenna.ProductionWritten by:… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Amitābha Buddha and his attendant bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara (right) and Mahāsthāmaprāpta (left) … Wikipedia
pure */*/*/ — UK [pjʊə(r)] / US [pjʊr] adjective Word forms pure : adjective pure comparative purer superlative purest 1) a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect pure gold/alcohol 2) [only before noun] used … English dictionary
Pure Dead series — The Strega Borgia Chronicles by Scottish writer Debi Gliori, follows the Strega Borgia family, a quirky, bizarre, Italian family, Signor and Signora Strega Borgia (Luciano and Baci.) and their four children, Titus, Pandora, Damp and Nieve, who… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Devotional cult of the buddha Amitabha. It is one of the most popular forms of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia today. Pure Land schools believe that rebirth in the Western Paradise (the Pure Land) is given to all those who invoke Amitabha s name… … Universalium
pure — [[t]pjʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ purer, purest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A pure substance is not mixed with anything else. …a carton of pure orange juice. 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is pure is clean and does not contain any harmful substances. In remote… … English dictionary
Pure (No Angels album) — Infobox Album | Name = Pure Type = Album Artist = No Angels Released = August 25, 2003 Recorded = 2003 Genre = Pop Length = 71:55 87:23 (Limited edition) Label = Cheyenne/Polydor Producer = Thorsten Brötzmann, Lucy Diakovska, Nik Hafemann, T.… … Wikipedia
pure — [ pjur ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a ) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Pure Heart — is a term used by the Catholic Church and some other Christians to name a condition near to Salvation. The Roman Catholic Church promotes its members to seek it and codified the required knowledge and practices within the Liturgy of the Eucharist … Wikipedia
Light Yagami — Death Note character Light Yagami or Kira as he appears in the manga (Chapter 1 : Boredom) First appearance Death Note … Wikipedia
Pure and Easy — Chanson par The Who extrait de l’album la compilation Odds and Sods Pays Angleterre Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Pure Mule — was a mini series shown on RTE television, shot in 2005 2006 in Offaly.CastFeatured: Tom Murphy, Garret Lombard, Luke Griffen, Gary Lydon, Eileen Walsh, Simone Kirby, Joanne Crawford, Dawn Bradfield and Charlene McKenna.ProductionWritten by:… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Amitābha Buddha and his attendant bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara (right) and Mahāsthāmaprāpta (left) … Wikipedia
pure */*/*/ — UK [pjʊə(r)] / US [pjʊr] adjective Word forms pure : adjective pure comparative purer superlative purest 1) a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect pure gold/alcohol 2) [only before noun] used … English dictionary
Pure Dead series — The Strega Borgia Chronicles by Scottish writer Debi Gliori, follows the Strega Borgia family, a quirky, bizarre, Italian family, Signor and Signora Strega Borgia (Luciano and Baci.) and their four children, Titus, Pandora, Damp and Nieve, who… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Devotional cult of the buddha Amitabha. It is one of the most popular forms of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia today. Pure Land schools believe that rebirth in the Western Paradise (the Pure Land) is given to all those who invoke Amitabha s name… … Universalium
pure — [[t]pjʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ purer, purest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A pure substance is not mixed with anything else. …a carton of pure orange juice. 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is pure is clean and does not contain any harmful substances. In remote… … English dictionary
Pure (No Angels album) — Infobox Album | Name = Pure Type = Album Artist = No Angels Released = August 25, 2003 Recorded = 2003 Genre = Pop Length = 71:55 87:23 (Limited edition) Label = Cheyenne/Polydor Producer = Thorsten Brötzmann, Lucy Diakovska, Nik Hafemann, T.… … Wikipedia
pure — [ pjur ] adjective *** 1. ) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a ) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Pure Heart — is a term used by the Catholic Church and some other Christians to name a condition near to Salvation. The Roman Catholic Church promotes its members to seek it and codified the required knowledge and practices within the Liturgy of the Eucharist … Wikipedia
Light Yagami — Death Note character Light Yagami or Kira as he appears in the manga (Chapter 1 : Boredom) First appearance Death Note … Wikipedia
Pure and Easy — Chanson par The Who extrait de l’album la compilation Odds and Sods Pays Angleterre Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
Pure Mule — was a mini series shown on RTE television, shot in 2005 2006 in Offaly.CastFeatured: Tom Murphy, Garret Lombard, Luke Griffen, Gary Lydon, Eileen Walsh, Simone Kirby, Joanne Crawford, Dawn Bradfield and Charlene McKenna.ProductionWritten by:… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Amitābha Buddha and his attendant bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara (right) and Mahāsthāmaprāpta (left) … Wikipedia
pure */*/*/ — UK [pjʊə(r)] / US [pjʊr] adjective Word forms pure : adjective pure comparative purer superlative purest 1) a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect pure gold/alcohol 2) [only before noun] used … English dictionary
Pure Dead series — The Strega Borgia Chronicles by Scottish writer Debi Gliori, follows the Strega Borgia family, a quirky, bizarre, Italian family, Signor and Signora Strega Borgia (Luciano and Baci.) and their four children, Titus, Pandora, Damp and Nieve, who… … Wikipedia
Pure Land Buddhism — Devotional cult of the buddha Amitabha. It is one of the most popular forms of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia today. Pure Land schools believe that rebirth in the Western Paradise (the Pure Land) is given to all those who invoke Amitabha s name… … Universalium
pure — [[t]pjʊ͟ə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ purer, purest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A pure substance is not mixed with anything else. …a carton of pure orange juice. 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is pure is clean and does not contain any harmful substances. In remote… … English dictionary
Pure (No Angels album) — Infobox Album | Name = Pure Type = Album Artist = No Angels Released = August 25, 2003 Recorded = 2003 Genre = Pop Length = 71:55 87:23 (Limited edition) Label = Cheyenne/Polydor Producer = Thorsten Brötzmann, Lucy Diakovska, Nik Hafemann, T.… … Wikipedia