Maverick — or Maverik may refer to: Maverick (animal), an unbranded range animal, derived from U.S. cattleman Samuel Maverick (see below) Contents 1 Computers 2 Film and television … Wikipedia
Maverick — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Significado 2 NERF 3 Lugares 4 Negocios 5 Cine y televisión … Wikipedia Español
maverick — UK US /ˈmævərɪk/ noun [C] ► a person who thinks and acts in an independent way that is different from what is usual or expected: »She has established a reputation as a maverick. »a maverick businessman/personality/senator … Financial and business terms
Maverick — Mav er*ick, n. In the southwestern part of the united States, a bullock or heifer that has not been branded, and is unclaimed or wild; said to be from Maverick, the name of a cattle owner in Texas who neglected to brand his cattle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maverick — Mav er*ick, v. t. To take a maverick. [Western U. S.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
maverick — 1867, calf or yearling found without an owner s brand, so called for Samuel A. Maverick (1803 1870), Texas cattle owner who was negligent in branding his calves. Sense of individualist, unconventional person is first recorded 1886, via notion of… … Etymology dictionary
maverick — ► NOUN 1) an unorthodox or independent minded person. 2) N. Amer. an unbranded calf or yearling. ORIGIN from Samuel A. Maverick, a 19th century Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle … English terms dictionary
maverick — ☆ maverick [mav′ər ik, mav′rik ] n. [after S. Maverick (1803 70), Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle] 1. an unbranded animal, esp. a strayed calf 2. Informal a person who takes an independent stand, as in politics, from that of a party or … English World dictionary
Maverick — Maverick, Prozessor des Herstellers Cirrus Logic, der als Codec in Audiogeräten eingesetzt wird, vor allem in MP3 Playern. Er unterstützt neben MP3 auch weitere Audioformate, etwa WMA und AAC … Universal-Lexikon
maverick — [n] person who takes chances, departs from accepted course bohemian, dissenter, extremist, malcontent, nonconformist, radical; concepts 348,423 … New thesaurus
Maverick — Der Begriff Maverick leitet sich vom Namen des Politikers und Rinderzüchters Samuel A. Maverick (1803–1870) ab, der seine Rinder nicht brandmarkte. Daraufhin wurden Rinder ohne Brandzeichen generell als Maverick bezeichnet. Im englischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maverick — or Maverik may refer to: Maverick (animal), an unbranded range animal, derived from U.S. cattleman Samuel Maverick (see below) Contents 1 Computers 2 Film and television … Wikipedia
Maverick — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Significado 2 NERF 3 Lugares 4 Negocios 5 Cine y televisión … Wikipedia Español
maverick — UK US /ˈmævərɪk/ noun [C] ► a person who thinks and acts in an independent way that is different from what is usual or expected: »She has established a reputation as a maverick. »a maverick businessman/personality/senator … Financial and business terms
Maverick — Mav er*ick, n. In the southwestern part of the united States, a bullock or heifer that has not been branded, and is unclaimed or wild; said to be from Maverick, the name of a cattle owner in Texas who neglected to brand his cattle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maverick — Mav er*ick, v. t. To take a maverick. [Western U. S.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
maverick — 1867, calf or yearling found without an owner s brand, so called for Samuel A. Maverick (1803 1870), Texas cattle owner who was negligent in branding his calves. Sense of individualist, unconventional person is first recorded 1886, via notion of… … Etymology dictionary
maverick — ► NOUN 1) an unorthodox or independent minded person. 2) N. Amer. an unbranded calf or yearling. ORIGIN from Samuel A. Maverick, a 19th century Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle … English terms dictionary
maverick — ☆ maverick [mav′ər ik, mav′rik ] n. [after S. Maverick (1803 70), Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle] 1. an unbranded animal, esp. a strayed calf 2. Informal a person who takes an independent stand, as in politics, from that of a party or … English World dictionary
Maverick — Maverick, Prozessor des Herstellers Cirrus Logic, der als Codec in Audiogeräten eingesetzt wird, vor allem in MP3 Playern. Er unterstützt neben MP3 auch weitere Audioformate, etwa WMA und AAC … Universal-Lexikon
maverick — [n] person who takes chances, departs from accepted course bohemian, dissenter, extremist, malcontent, nonconformist, radical; concepts 348,423 … New thesaurus
Maverick — Der Begriff Maverick leitet sich vom Namen des Politikers und Rinderzüchters Samuel A. Maverick (1803–1870) ab, der seine Rinder nicht brandmarkte. Daraufhin wurden Rinder ohne Brandzeichen generell als Maverick bezeichnet. Im englischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cougar and Merlin and Maverick and Goose.
Бакс и Мерлин, Скиталец и Гусь.
Maverick and Goose.
Скиталец и Гусь.
Take it easy, Maverick.
Остынь, Скиталец.
Mustang, this is Maverick.
Мустанг, говорит Скиталец.
Maverick, get down here and get this asshole off me.
Скиталец, лети сюда и постарайся снять этого ублюдка у меня с хвоста.
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Cougar, this is Maverick.
Бакс, говорит Скиталец.
Maverick has the ball.
Скиталец идет на посадку.
God damn it, Maverick.
Черт побери, Скиталец.
Thanks, Maverick.
Спасибо, Скиталец.
This is not personal… but with regard to Maverick, is he the best…
В этом нет ничего личного… но со всем моим уважением к Скитальцу, можно ли ему—
Maverick’s up and ready in alert five.
Скитальцу приготовиться к взлету.
Вообще говоря, здесь он не Маверик, а Рокфорд.
I’ll give you a photo to stick in your locker, of me, we can be like Goose and Maverick in Top Gun.
Я дам тебе свое фото, приклеишь его в своем шкафчике, мы могли бы быть как Гуз и Маверик в Крутых Стволах.
— Well, I’m Maverick.
— Ладно, я Маверик.
Oh, you’re dangerous, Maverick.О, ты рискуешь, Маверик.
Listen, Maverick. We can’t afford to be on hook for this mortgage.
Послушай, Маверик, мы не можем себе позволить быть зависимыми от этой закладной, ясно?
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Is it like Maverick in Top Gun?
Типа как Маверик из Топ Ган?
Yeah, I’m—I’m Maverick.
Because I am a Maverick, Tim I do what needs to be done.
Потому что я Маверик, Тим. Я делаю то, что должно быть сделано.
This must be how Maverick felt when he met Goose.
Должно быть именно это чувствовал Маверик, когда встретил Гуса.
What I’m doing is demonstrating to her how unsuitable I am to highlight how great you are, Maverick.
Я просто показываю ей, насколько я ей не подхожу, чтобы подчеркнуть, насколько хорош ты, Маверик.
Dagless, you’re a good doctor but you’re also a maverick, who bites the hand that feeds. This hand.
Дуглас, ты отличный доктор, но ты еще и индивидуалист, который кусает руку, кормящую тебя.
I’m Howard Moon — the man, the myth, the maverick.
Я Говард Мун — человек — легенда — индивидуалист!
Brian, you’re such a maverick!
Брайан, ты такой индивидуалист!
Bit of a maverick, huh?
Индивидуалист, да?
Well, your… your dad is, like, the, like, a culinary maverick.
Ну, твой… твой отец же вроде как кулинарный индивидуалист.
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Always the maverick.
Всегда индивидуалист.
Do you see yourself as a maverick, Detective Superintendent Boyd?
Вы представляете себя индивидуалистом, детектив суперинтендант Бойд?
Ride, Sally, ride… they’re calling you a Maverick.
Вперед, Салли, вперед…они называют тебя Индивидуалистом.
Loners, mavericks…
Одиночками… Индивидуалистами…
The first of these was a rebel and a maverick called Fred Hoyle.
первый из них был мятежником и индивидуалистом по имени Фред Хойл.
I am hoping for Maverick.
Я надеюсь на Индивидуалиста.
This is a station of mavericks.
Это участок индивидуалистов.
Your stage is waiting for you, Maverick.
Сцена ждет тебя, Мэверик.
Let’s get out of here, Maverick.
Давай убираться отсюда, Мэверик.
Hey, just try and relax, Maverick.
Эй, просто попытайся расслабиться, Мэверик.
and then maverick says-— i’ve seen the film, sergeant.
И Мэверик ему отвечает… — Я видел этот фильм, сержант.
I’m Maverick.
Я Мэверик.
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— Good piloting, Maverick!
— Отлично летаешь, Мэверик!
Because in the end, Maverick saved Iceman, and if he hadn’t, trophy boy would be sitting on the bottom of the Indian Ocean right now.
Ведь в конце Мэверик спас Айсмэна, а то твой призёр прохлаждался бы сейчас на дне Индийского океана.
You’re gonna leave your Maverick and take the loaner, okay?
«Мэверик» оставишь, поедешь на прокатной.
Clear, and this is «Maverick.»
Всё чисто. Это Мэвэрик.
This is Maverick speaking, the most awesome pilot in the universe.
Говорит Мэвэрик, лучший пилот во вселенной.
My handle is Maverick.
Моё прозвище — Мэвэрик.
And my handle is Maverick.
И моё прозвище Мэвэрик.
Gotta call me Maverick, let me hear it.
Назови меня Мэвэрик. Я хочу услышать.
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We believe you, Maverick!
Мы верим тебе, Мэвэрик!
Maverick is getting out for good behaviour.
Мэвэрик выходит за хорошее поведение.
Do you want to be Maverick?
Ты хочешь быть Мавериком?
– I can’t be Maverick.
Я не могу быть Мавериком.
Even though we all know he’s secretly Maverick.
Пусть даже все знают, что втайне он является Мавериком.
— You can’t be Iceman and Maverick.
— Ты не можешь быть и Асменом и Мавериком.
— I’ll be Iceman, you can be Maverick.
— Я буду Айсменом, а ты можешь быть Мавериком.
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What’d you do to Maverick?
Что ты сделала с Мавериком?
Yeah, you’re Maverick. I remember.
Да, помню, ты был Мавериком.
— You’re a maverick, aren’t you?
— Вы бунтарь, не так ли?
— I’m not a maverick.
— Я не бунтарь.
You’re Father Maverick.
Вы отец Бунтарь.
Look, Runkle, whether you know it or not, you’re a maverick, a renegade.
Послушай, Ранкл, знаешь ты это или нет, ты личность, бунтарь
Is my hungover brain playing a trick on me or is the legendary maverick Spencer Strasmore second-guessing himself?
— Это все мой похмельный мозг или легендарный бунтарь Спенсер Страсмор сомневается в себе?
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He became a maverick, one of the most dangerous in the region.
Он стал бунтарем, одним из наиболее опасных в районе.
Or sit in the corner of some greasy little fucking pub somewhere like you’re the fucking happy little maverick.
Или сидишь в каком-нибудь грязном проклятом пабе где-то там, словно ты долбанный счастливый бродяга.
I’m Maverick.
— Бродяга.
Two wizards, a Maverick, the arbiter, two warriors, a corporal, and a ledgerman.
Два волшебника, Бродяга, властитель, два воина, капрал и регистратор.
Oh, my God, the Maverick should be able to trade lumber for agriculture credits.
Боже мой, Бродяга должен иметь возможность менять брёвна на очки сельского хозяйства.
I’m the Maverick.
Я — Бродяга.
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Is this you being a friend or a maverick or both?
Ты здесь как друг или как бродяга?
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Cougar, Merlin, Maverick and Goose.
This is Maverick, requesting fly-by.
He was associated with the Quebec nationalist wing of his party and soon became known as a maverick.
Он был связан с Квебекским националистическим крылом своей партии и вскоре стал известен как индивидуалист.Dagless, you’re a good doctor but you’re also a maverick, who bites the hand hand.
Дуглас, ты отличный доктор, но ты еще и индивидуалист, который кусает руку, кормящую тебя.He didn’t actually use the word maverick, no.
Well, your… your dad is, like, the, like, a culinary maverick.
I’m Howard Moon — the man, the myth, the maverick.
Maverick, you just did an incredibly brave thing.
Don’t you leave me, Maverick.
Неужели ты собираешься меня бросить, Скиталец.Maverick, you back ’em up with Merlin on ready five.
Скиталец, ты прикрываешь их на пару с Мерлином в отметке 5.Maverick, how about some help?
Скиталец, может, ты нам все таки поможешь немного?Maverick, you can’t leave him!
Скиталец, ведь ты не можешь бросить его здесь одного!Better than sleeping in my maverick.
He became a maverick, one of the most dangerous in the region.
Он стал бунтарем, одним из наиболее опасных в районе.The guy’s gone totally maverick.
Mike Barnes compared this approach to John Cage’s «maverick irreverence toward classical tradition».
In 1807, maverick Cornish chemist Humphry Davy attempted something no one had dared try before.
В 1807 году, Гемфри Дэви, Корнуоллский химик, обладавший независимым умом, попытался сделать то, что никто не осмелился пробовать прежде.The singing maverick teacher that punched out the principal and slept with a student.
Поющая бродячая учительница, которая бьет директоров и спит с учениками.Maverick — or Maverik may refer to: Maverick (animal), an unbranded range animal, derived from U.S. cattleman Samuel Maverick (see below) Contents 1 Computers 2 Film and television … Wikipedia
Maverick — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Significado 2 NERF 3 Lugares 4 Negocios 5 Cine y televisión … Wikipedia Español
maverick — UK US /ˈmævərɪk/ noun [C] ► a person who thinks and acts in an independent way that is different from what is usual or expected: »She has established a reputation as a maverick. »a maverick businessman/personality/senator … Financial and business terms
Maverick — Mav er*ick, n. In the southwestern part of the united States, a bullock or heifer that has not been branded, and is unclaimed or wild; said to be from Maverick, the name of a cattle owner in Texas who neglected to brand his cattle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maverick — Mav er*ick, v. t. To take a maverick. [Western U. S.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
maverick — 1867, calf or yearling found without an owner s brand, so called for Samuel A. Maverick (1803 1870), Texas cattle owner who was negligent in branding his calves. Sense of individualist, unconventional person is first recorded 1886, via notion of… … Etymology dictionary
maverick — ► NOUN 1) an unorthodox or independent minded person. 2) N. Amer. an unbranded calf or yearling. ORIGIN from Samuel A. Maverick, a 19th century Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle … English terms dictionary
maverick — ☆ maverick [mav′ər ik, mav′rik ] n. [after S. Maverick (1803 70), Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle] 1. an unbranded animal, esp. a strayed calf 2. Informal a person who takes an independent stand, as in politics, from that of a party or … English World dictionary
Maverick — Maverick, Prozessor des Herstellers Cirrus Logic, der als Codec in Audiogeräten eingesetzt wird, vor allem in MP3 Playern. Er unterstützt neben MP3 auch weitere Audioformate, etwa WMA und AAC … Universal-Lexikon
maverick — [n] person who takes chances, departs from accepted course bohemian, dissenter, extremist, malcontent, nonconformist, radical; concepts 348,423 … New thesaurus
Maverick — Der Begriff Maverick leitet sich vom Namen des Politikers und Rinderzüchters Samuel A. Maverick (1803–1870) ab, der seine Rinder nicht brandmarkte. Daraufhin wurden Rinder ohne Brandzeichen generell als Maverick bezeichnet. Im englischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maverick — or Maverik may refer to: Maverick (animal), an unbranded range animal, derived from U.S. cattleman Samuel Maverick (see below) Contents 1 Computers 2 Film and television … Wikipedia
Maverick — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Significado 2 NERF 3 Lugares 4 Negocios 5 Cine y televisión … Wikipedia Español
maverick — UK US /ˈmævərɪk/ noun [C] ► a person who thinks and acts in an independent way that is different from what is usual or expected: »She has established a reputation as a maverick. »a maverick businessman/personality/senator … Financial and business terms
Maverick — Mav er*ick, n. In the southwestern part of the united States, a bullock or heifer that has not been branded, and is unclaimed or wild; said to be from Maverick, the name of a cattle owner in Texas who neglected to brand his cattle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maverick — Mav er*ick, v. t. To take a maverick. [Western U. S.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
maverick — 1867, calf or yearling found without an owner s brand, so called for Samuel A. Maverick (1803 1870), Texas cattle owner who was negligent in branding his calves. Sense of individualist, unconventional person is first recorded 1886, via notion of… … Etymology dictionary
maverick — ► NOUN 1) an unorthodox or independent minded person. 2) N. Amer. an unbranded calf or yearling. ORIGIN from Samuel A. Maverick, a 19th century Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle … English terms dictionary
maverick — ☆ maverick [mav′ər ik, mav′rik ] n. [after S. Maverick (1803 70), Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle] 1. an unbranded animal, esp. a strayed calf 2. Informal a person who takes an independent stand, as in politics, from that of a party or … English World dictionary
Maverick — Maverick, Prozessor des Herstellers Cirrus Logic, der als Codec in Audiogeräten eingesetzt wird, vor allem in MP3 Playern. Er unterstützt neben MP3 auch weitere Audioformate, etwa WMA und AAC … Universal-Lexikon
maverick — [n] person who takes chances, departs from accepted course bohemian, dissenter, extremist, malcontent, nonconformist, radical; concepts 348,423 … New thesaurus
Maverick — Der Begriff Maverick leitet sich vom Namen des Politikers und Rinderzüchters Samuel A. Maverick (1803–1870) ab, der seine Rinder nicht brandmarkte. Daraufhin wurden Rinder ohne Brandzeichen generell als Maverick bezeichnet. Im englischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Maverick — or Maverik may refer to: Maverick (animal), an unbranded range animal, derived from U.S. cattleman Samuel Maverick (see below) Contents 1 Computers 2 Film and television … Wikipedia
Maverick — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Significado 2 NERF 3 Lugares 4 Negocios 5 Cine y televisión … Wikipedia Español
maverick — UK US /ˈmævərɪk/ noun [C] ► a person who thinks and acts in an independent way that is different from what is usual or expected: »She has established a reputation as a maverick. »a maverick businessman/personality/senator … Financial and business terms
Maverick — Mav er*ick, n. In the southwestern part of the united States, a bullock or heifer that has not been branded, and is unclaimed or wild; said to be from Maverick, the name of a cattle owner in Texas who neglected to brand his cattle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Maverick — Mav er*ick, v. t. To take a maverick. [Western U. S.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
maverick — 1867, calf or yearling found without an owner s brand, so called for Samuel A. Maverick (1803 1870), Texas cattle owner who was negligent in branding his calves. Sense of individualist, unconventional person is first recorded 1886, via notion of… … Etymology dictionary
maverick — ► NOUN 1) an unorthodox or independent minded person. 2) N. Amer. an unbranded calf or yearling. ORIGIN from Samuel A. Maverick, a 19th century Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle … English terms dictionary
maverick — ☆ maverick [mav′ər ik, mav′rik ] n. [after S. Maverick (1803 70), Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle] 1. an unbranded animal, esp. a strayed calf 2. Informal a person who takes an independent stand, as in politics, from that of a party or … English World dictionary
Maverick — Maverick, Prozessor des Herstellers Cirrus Logic, der als Codec in Audiogeräten eingesetzt wird, vor allem in MP3 Playern. Er unterstützt neben MP3 auch weitere Audioformate, etwa WMA und AAC … Universal-Lexikon
maverick — [n] person who takes chances, departs from accepted course bohemian, dissenter, extremist, malcontent, nonconformist, radical; concepts 348,423 … New thesaurus
Maverick — Der Begriff Maverick leitet sich vom Namen des Politikers und Rinderzüchters Samuel A. Maverick (1803–1870) ab, der seine Rinder nicht brandmarkte. Daraufhin wurden Rinder ohne Brandzeichen generell als Maverick bezeichnet. Im englischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia